






The python code to batch modify the image resolution and fill the redundant area of the image

This code is for beginners to use, we refer to a lot of code on the Internet, thank the predecessors for their contributions.

The goal of this code is to modify the resolution of all the pictures to 128*128. While modifying the images, it will not elongate them, but supplement the deformed part by filling pure white(any color can be fill by change RGB), which is conducive to the training of GAN.

The code is python, can be copied later debugging use.

Thanks for xinggui.

The last part 【cut_images(‘F:/date/JPG128enhance/’, ‘new’, 128, 128)】is the target folder you want to enhance.

And 128 represents the image resolution that needs to be modified. For example, 128, 128 represents a picture with a resolution of 128*128, if you need other picture resolutions, you can modify it yourself.
The way for beginners to use is to copy this code into vscode, modify the address of the target directory, save it as a .py file, and then click the small triangle in the upper right corner to run the code.





其中最后一段【cut_images(‘F:/date/JPG128enhance/’, ‘new’, 128, 128)】是需要修改的目标文件夹,依照自己所需要转换的文件夹来使用,而128代表着需要修改的图片分辨率,举例子128,128代表着128*128分辨率的图片,如果需要其他图片分辨率就自己修改好了,小白的使用方法就是把这段代码复制到vscode里,修改好目标目录的地址,另存为一个.py的文件,然后点击右上角的小三角运行代码即可。

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今天完成了简单的stylegan自定义数据集训练过程,感谢国外老哥的教程,原来很简单……其实对于专门做人工智能方面的人来说训练应该是很简单的,但是对于我这种跨专业跨领域的小白来说,还是需要一个详细教程的,这里给大家介绍一下如何使用自己的数据集来测试stylegan。首先,大家需要在自己的电脑上配置好tensorflow环境,注意:tensorflow2.0可能无法运行stylegan的原始代码,建议使用1.13版本。个人运行环境:WIN10+CUDA10.0 +CUDNN7.5+ TENSORFLOW-GPU1.13.1 + python3.7