
当前驾驶的丰田锐志(2008)(国外一般为2008 Toyota Mark X 250G)的汽车电瓶应该是2017年左右更换的,型号为瓦尔塔80D26R(D26-70-R-T2-M)(6-QW-70(500))(中国市场左舵车型电池在机舱左侧,型号为80D26R,R代表正极在电池的右侧。国外右舵版本Toyota Mark X 一般电池在机舱右侧,正极在电池的左侧),到今天已经7年高龄了。像这种自吸发动机不带自动启停功能的电瓶一般价格比较便宜,而且寿命比较久。现在新车往往会选择使用自动启停电瓶,如果你的车是自动启停电瓶,那价格可能会更加昂贵,寿命也比较短一些。






在CNBC的一项报道中, Impact Research 为 Walton Family Foundation 进行的一项新民意调查显示:熟悉 ChatGPT的教师比例从 55% 上升到 79%,而在 K-12 学生中,这一比例从 37% 上升到 75%。

在实际使用方面46% 的教师和 48% 的学生表示他们至少每周使用 ChatGPT,学生的使用量比去年上升了 27 个百分点。

而且在学生中,对于chatgpt的评价普遍是积极的。70% 的 K-12 学生对 AI 聊天机器人有好感。在本科生中,这一比例上升到75%。在家长中,68%的人对人工智能聊天机器人持好感,47%的受访者希望在学校更多地使用人工智能聊天机器人,而36%的人希望减少使用。黑人(57%)和西班牙裔父母(55%)对人工智能在教育中使用的支持率更高。



在AI手机布局这方面,首先站出来叫的最响的应该是魅族,宣布ALL IN AI,放弃传统手机,但是后面又分分钟打脸发布了号称开放式AI终端的魅族21pro。










In China, the annual enrollment and graduation of undergraduate schools, junior colleges, master’s students, and doctoral students

According to the “2022 National Education Development Statistical Communiqué” released by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China on July 15, 2023, there are 3,013 colleges and universities in China. Among them, there were 1239 ordinary undergraduate schools (including 164 independent colleges), an increase of 1 over the previous year; 32 vocational schools at the undergraduate level; There were 1,489 vocational (junior college) colleges, an increase of 3 over the previous year; There were 253 institutions of higher learning for adults, down 3 from the previous year. There are also 234 scientific research institutions that train graduate students.

The total number of students enrolled in various forms of higher education [25] was 46.55 million, an increase of 2.25 million over the previous year. The gross enrolment rate of tertiary education was 59.6 per cent, an increase of 1.8 percentage points over the previous year. The average size of ordinary undergraduate schools [26] is 16,793, the average size of undergraduate vocational schools is 19,487, and the average size of higher vocational (junior college) schools is 10,168.

The enrollment of graduate students was 1,242,500, an increase of 66,000 over the previous year, an increase of 5.61%; Among them, there are 139,000 doctoral students and 1,103,500 master’s students. There were 3,653,600 graduate students, an increase of 321,200 over the previous year, an increase of 9.64%; Among them, there are 556,100 doctoral students and 3,097,500 master’s students. 862,200 graduate students, including 82,300 doctoral students and 779,800 master’s students.

In China,number of undergraduate, junior college, master’s, doctoral and online education students currently studying on campus

According to the “2022 National Education Development Statistical Communiqué” released by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China on July 15, 2023, there are 3,013 colleges and universities in China. Among them, there were 1239 ordinary undergraduate schools (including 164 independent colleges), an increase of 1 over the previous year; 32 vocational schools at the undergraduate level; There were 1,489 vocational (junior college) colleges, an increase of 3 over the previous year; There were 253 institutions of higher learning for adults, down 3 from the previous year. There are also 234 scientific research institutions that train graduate students.

The total number of students enrolled in various forms of higher education [25] was 46.55 million, an increase of 2.25 million over the previous year. The gross enrolment rate of tertiary education was 59.6 per cent, an increase of 1.8 percentage points over the previous year. The average size of ordinary undergraduate schools [26] is 16,793, the average size of undergraduate vocational schools is 19,487, and the average size of higher vocational (junior college) schools is 10,168.



