unity报错Certificate Assets\WSATestCertificate.pfx is expired and cannot be used for a UWP build

InvalidOperationException: Certificate Assets\WSATestCertificate.pfx is expired and cannot be used for a UWP build. To fix this, either delete it or select a different certificate in the player settings.
PostProcessWinRT.CreateTestCertificate () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/MetroPlayer/Extensions/Managed/PostProcessWinRT.cs:1078)
PostProcessWinRT.Process () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/MetroPlayer/Extensions/Managed/PostProcessWinRT.cs:168)
UnityEditor.UWP.BuildPostprocessor.PostProcess (UnityEditor.Modules.BuildPostProcessArgs args) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/MetroPlayer/Extensions/Managed/ExtensionModule.cs:86)
Rethrow as BuildFailedException: Exception of type ‘UnityEditor.Build.BuildFailedException’ was thrown.



于是博主斥巨资购入ZTE中兴 F50 5G上网模块(399元),这个好处是可以插入自己的5G SIM卡,切换自由。这款5G module的USB接口是typec usb3.0的,配合USB3.0+的数据线可以实现3750mb/s的数据传输,也就是3.7G左右的接口传输速率。

关于苹果vision pro测评的一点观后感


看了看最新解禁的apple vison pro的测评视频,和苹果宣传的差别其实还蛮大的。整体来看还是不够成熟的产品,3499美元及其昂贵的价格,两小时多的续航,低像素主摄不良的拍照体验,重量高导致长时间佩戴不适,外屏幕鸡肋且反光,暗光环境下导致模糊与延迟严重,最严重的是VR HMD系统现有的可视角度和屏幕及渲染问题。




主要问题:插上充电器后,Pico4充电指示灯不亮灯,而且按下开机键没有任何反应。 导致该问题的原因:Pico4吃灰久了,长时间过放电导致电池锁死或者机器系统锁死…… 解决办法:插入原装充电器的情况下,长按十秒开机键,对设备进行重置。如果设备开始闪烁红灯,代表重置成功,但是此时依然无法开机,此时代表电……

[unity] implementation after clicking a button, delay and switch the background image/interface

There might be a better way, but so far I’ve found that you can do this, and you can try other ways.


Goal: In UNITY, after clicking a button, three screens (or Raw images) appear in sequence: the first screen appears 1 second later, the second screen appears 3 seconds later and the first screen disappears, and the third screen appears 3 seconds later and the second screen disappears. The first step is to create a C# script in Assets, let’s name it delaydisplay3, double-click visual studio to open the edit.