



In China, the annual enrollment and graduation of undergraduate schools, junior colleges, master's students, and doctoral students

According to the "2022 National Education Development Statistical Communiqué" released by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China on July 15, 2023, there are 3,013 colleges and universities in China. Among them, there were 1239 ordinary undergraduate schools (including 164 independent colleges), an increase of 1 over the previous year; 32 vocational schools at the undergraduate level; There were 1,489 vocational (junior college) colleges, an increase of 3 over the previous year; There were 253 institutions of higher learning for adults, down 3 from the previous year. There are also 234 scientific research institutions that train graduate students.

The total number of students enrolled in various forms of higher education [25] was 46.55 million, an increase of 2.25 million over the previous year. The gross enrolment rate of tertiary education was 59.6 per cent, an increase of 1.8 percentage points over the previous year. The average size of ordinary undergraduate schools [26] is 16,793, the average size of undergraduate vocational schools is 19,487, and the average size of higher vocational (junior college) schools is 10,168.

The enrollment of graduate students was 1,242,500, an increase of 66,000 over the previous year, an increase of 5.61%; Among them, there are 139,000 doctoral students and 1,103,500 master's students. There were 3,653,600 graduate students, an increase of 321,200 over the previous year, an increase of 9.64%; Among them, there are 556,100 doctoral students and 3,097,500 master's students. 862,200 graduate students, including 82,300 doctoral students and 779,800 master's students. (更多…)

In China,number of undergraduate, junior college, master's, doctoral and online education students currently studying on campus

According to the "2022 National Education Development Statistical Communiqué" released by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China on July 15, 2023, there are 3,013 colleges and universities in China. Among them, there were 1239 ordinary undergraduate schools (including 164 independent colleges), an increase of 1 over the previous year; 32 vocational schools at the undergraduate level; There were 1,489 vocational (junior college) colleges, an increase of 3 over the previous year; There were 253 institutions of higher learning for adults, down 3 from the previous year. There are also 234 scientific research institutions that train graduate students.

The total number of students enrolled in various forms of higher education [25] was 46.55 million, an increase of 2.25 million over the previous year. The gross enrolment rate of tertiary education was 59.6 per cent, an increase of 1.8 percentage points over the previous year. The average size of ordinary undergraduate schools [26] is 16,793, the average size of undergraduate vocational schools is 19,487, and the average size of higher vocational (junior college) schools is 10,168. (更多…)


本文为印度各州工厂数量统计数据,数据的时间跨度为2004年到2020年,网站数据显示更新日期为 2022 年 11 月 19 日,本数据可一定程度上代表印度各州的工业发展情况。




本文为印度各省(州)农村地区失业率统计,数据单位为每千人,数据的时间跨度为1993年到2021年,网站数据显示更新日期为 2022 年 11 月 19 日





由于 2021 年第三季度[1]是越南 Covid-19 疫情爆发的时期,预计2022 年第三季度的越南国内生产总值 (GDP)将比去年同期高增长 13.67% ,波及全国,严重影响生产经营活动。其中,农林渔业增长3.24%;工业和建筑业增长12.91%;服务业增长18.86%。从2022年三季度GDP使用情况看,最终消费同比增长10.08%,对经济整体增速贡献率为38.21%;累计资产增长8.7%,贡献21.13%;货物和服务出口增长9.32%;货物和服务进口增长2.72%;货物和服务进出口差额占40.66%。






2018年整体增长低于预期反映了全球持续增长 不确定,但越来越多地来自国内宏观经济不稳定,包括管理不善的债务,通货膨胀和赤字; 政治和监管不确定性; 和脆弱是对一些非洲经济体产生明显的负面影响。这也掩盖了几个继续稳步增长的小型经济体的强劲表现。

在尼日利亚,2018年增长率达到1.9%,高于2017年的0.8%,反映了非石油经济的温和回升。南非在2018年第三季度走出衰退,但由于政策的不确定性阻碍了投资,因此全年增长率为0.8%。安哥拉,该地区的第三大 由于石油产量持续疲软,经济继续陷入衰退,增长急剧下降。



但是,仍然存在许多挑战。公共债务水平和债务风险正在上升,这可能会危及一些国家的债务可持续性; 良好工作的提供并没有跟上劳动力进入者的数量; 脆弱性使次大陆每年的增长率降低了一半; 和 贫困现象很普遍。虽然预计2019年的增长将会增加,但仍不足以显着减少贫困。预计国际贫困线的贫困人口总数(2011年购买力平价每天1.90美元)将略有下降。

来源:世界银行 The World Bank In Africa
